Recommended experience
You will get most out of our time together if you are already familiar with:
- Clean Language questions
- Naturally occuring metaphors
- The Problem-Remedy-Outcome (PRO) model.
You can learn more about these topics by:
- Downloading an overview of the Symbolic Modelling Lite framework.
- Watching a short animation explaining the PRO model.
- Reading about the Problem-Remedy-Outcome model.
- Watching the 'Tree of Wisdom' video of a complete Clean Language session which demonstrates Symbolic Modelling Lite and the PRO model in action.
- Below the Tree of Wisdom video is an analysis of our Clean Language questions and a link to download our line-by-line comments in the annotated transcript for you to study.
Once you have signed up for InsideClean, you will be eligible for a 50% discount for Penny and James' Introduction to Clean Language & Symbolic Modelling online training which covers all of the above, and more.
For your personal discount code or if you are not sure if your experience is sufficient to join InsideClean, please contact: [email protected]